Who Am I ? A book that will change your life ....
"There is more to life than just living. There has got tobe more to life than to just live. There should be a higherpurpose in life. The purpose of life is to come to the realanswer of ‘Who am I?’ This is the unanswered question ofinfinite previous lives. The missing links of the search for‘Who am I?’ are now being provided through the words ofthe Gnani Purush (The One who is completely Self-Realized).These words are edited for the purpose of comprehension.
Who am I? What am I not? Who is the Self? What ismine? What is not mine? What is bondage? What is Moksha(liberation)? Is there a God? What is God? Who is the ‘doer’in the world? Is God the ‘doer’ or not? What is the real natureof God? What is the nature of the real ‘doer’ in this world?Who runs the world? How does it function? What is the realnature of illusion? Whatever one knows, is it real or is it anillusion? Will one become free or remain bound with theknowledge one has?
This book will give the precise understanding of thetruth behind these questions. In addition, the reader of thesepages is introduced to the essence of Akram Vignan (the directapproach to liberation). "
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